Co-Designing Educational Games with High School Students to Teach AI to Middle Schoolers in Georgia

This project explores the design process for educational technology that middle school teachers can implement to teach their students about Artificial Intelligence concepts. We are creating educational games that encourage increased engagement in learning environments and generate passion and curiosity for artificial intelligence at a young age. Furthermore, creating culturally relevant learning material for students in Georgia requires centering their voices in the design process.

We taught 40 high school girls enrolled in the BridgeUp STEM Scholars Program age-appropriate concepts about Artificial Intelligence and co-designed games and activities surrounding these topics. Over 5 weeks, we focused on 5 topics. These were:

  • Robot & Computer Perception

  • Representation and Reasoning

  • Learning

  • Natural Interaction

  • Societal Impact

Students were assigned roles of artists, storytellers, teachers, gamers, fun-masters, and people-experts.

Learn More About our Co-designed Games

Georgia Tech students are developing high-quality versions of these activities. The ultimate goal of this research project is to create activities that will be part of the AI curriculum used by Georgia State middle school teachers. Our goal for the implementation of these games is to release/develop them by May 2025.